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The benefit in sponsorship isn’t just for us - it is for you too! 

Your sponsorship means exposure for your business to our 400 plus families, school staff and more.  Please see below for the levels of sponsorship. 


We expect a big turnout and will promote this event extensively!  All levels of sponsorship will receive a mention in promotional materials as well as at our welcome speech on the day of the event.  And a representative of your company is more than welcome to attend, we would love to have you!

Fox Run is a diverse and inclusive community that values the health and wellness of the whole child. Our school serves over 400 students in pre-K-5th grade, with a wide range of cultural and economic backgrounds. Our community is strong and dedicated to helping each student reach their fullest potential!



Save these Dates for this year's event!

  •  DUE NOW: Create your kid’s profile HERE

  •  Foxy's Fun Run Events Kicks off at school on 09/29/2022

  •  Event Day on 10/11/2022 

Families are encouraged to come to cheer the runners

We recognize the importance of physical activity and are excited about this event


We NEED your help!  We are setting our funding goals high and are hoping to raise $10,000 for our school through the Walkathon Corporate sponsorships. 

The funding we raise will go towards promoting the health and well-being of the whole child which is what Fox Run prides itself on!  All money raised will fill gaps in the following three areas:


  • Health and Wellness – Fox Run believes that time to move during the day is critical to student success. We will use funds for improved equipment, programming and supplies to make sure that all of the students’ active time is spent in the most beneficial way possible!

  • Social and Emotional Learning -  Fox Run believes in the whole child and wants to make sure that all students are successful academically but also learn to be successful socially and emotionally.  The Yale Ruler program is used to this end and we will be using funds to enhance the activities, lessons and materials we are able to offer.

  • Technology – Fox Run is working hard to stay on top of the ever changing cutting edge technology in today’s world.  We have an amazing and new media center that is still in need of some final updates as well as some technology needs within our classrooms.  


Choose Your Sponcorship

  • Premier Sponsor


    Platinum Sponsor
    • YOU GET:
    • Premier placement of your logo/name on event t-shirts
    • Premier listing on our website
    • Featured listing in all our promotional materials for event
    • Your logo/name on signage the day
    • Banner at school
  • One Mile

    Gold Sponsor
    • YOU GET:
    • Your logo/name on our t-shirts
    • Featured listing on our website
    • Listing in all our promotional materials for this event
    • Signage the day of the walkathon event
  • Half Mile

    Silver Sponsor
    • YOU GET:
    • Placement in all our promotional materials
    • Listing on our website
    • Signage on the day of the event
  • Quarter Mile

    Copper Sponsor
    • YOU GET:
    • Mention in our all promotional materials
    • Listing on our website
Anchor 2
Anchor 1
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